Selasa, 14 Juni 2011


Umar ibn al-Khattab ± 586-644

A mosque in Cairo named "Masjid Umar ibn al-Khattab"
`Umar Ibn al-Khattab was the second caliph, and perhaps the greatest of all Islamic caliphate. He was contemporary but more younger than the Prophet Muhammad. And like Muhammad, he was born in Mecca. Year of birth is unknown, but according to the estimated year-586.
Origin `Umar Ibn al-Khattab is an enemy of the most vicious and violent, against Muhammad and Islam all-out. However, he suddenly embraced the new religion and turned into staunch supporters. (It is interesting similarities with the particulars St. Paul to Christians). `Umar Ibn al-Khattab then became the closest adviser to the Prophet Muhammad and that was done throughout the lifetime of Muhammad.
Muhammad died in 632, without appoint his successor. Omar quickly supported Abu Bakr as successor, a close friend of the Prophet and his in-laws. This step prevents any power and allow Abu Bakr is generally recognized as the first Caliph, a kind of "replacement" of the Prophet Muhammad. Abu Bakr was the leader of a successful but he died after a caliph only for two years. However, Abu Bakr appointed `Umar became caliph in 634 and held power until the year 644 when he was killed in Medina by the deeds of a Persian slave. Above the bed before his death, `Umar appointed a panita consists of six people to choose his successor. Thus once again the opportunity farthest power struggle for power. Six-person committee was appointed as the Caliph `Uthman to-3 ruling in 644-656.
Within ten years of `Umar's leadership was important conquests do Arabs. Shortly after `Umar held the reins of power as caliph, the Arab forces occupied Syria and Palestine, who was then a part of the Byzantine Empire. In the battle of Yarmuk (636), the Arab armies succeeded in beating out the power of Byzantium. Damascus fell in that year also, and Darussalam give up two years later. By the year 641, Arab forces had taken control of all Palestine and Syria, and keeps crashing forward into what is now called Turkey. Years 639, Arab armies invaded Egypt, which also was under Byzantine rule. Within three years, completed the conquest of Egypt perfectly.
Arab attack against Iraq which was under the authority of the Persian Empire had begun even before the Caliph `Umar rose. The key Arab victory lies in the battle of Qadisiya in 637, occurred during `Umar's Caliphate. By the year 641, seseluruh Iraq was under Arab control. And not only that: the Arab armies immediately invaded Persia and even in battle Nehavend (642) decisively beat them the last remaining Persian forces. By the death of `Umar in the year 644, most of the western region of Iran has fully terkuasai. This movement does not stop when `Umar died. In the east they rapidly conquered the Persians and the western part they pressed on with the troops across North Africa.
As important as the meaning of conquests by `Umar was the permanence and stability reign. Iran, though its inhabitants converted to Islam, together with that they won independence from Arab governments. But Syria, Iraq and Egypt never get the same thing. Countries were entirely in-Arabkan until the present.
`Umar was barangtentu have a plan what should be done to areas that have been conquered by Arab forces. He decided, Arabs have special privileges in terms of the military in areas conquered, they must reside in certain towns designated for it, apart from the locals. Local residents must pay taxes to the Muslim conquerors (mostly Arabs), but they are allowed to live in safe and secure. In particular, they are not forced to embrace Islam. From this it is clear anyway that the Arab conquest war of conquest is more nationalist than a holy war even though aspects of religion rather not play a role.
The success of `Umar's really impressive. After the Prophet Muhammad, he is the main character in the case of invasion by Islam. Without conquest-conquest of lightning speed, doubt whether Islam can be spread widely, as can be witnessed today. Moreover, most of the conquered areas remained under Arab rule until now. Clearly, of course, mainly driven Muhammadlah if he should accept the award on this development. However, would be a serious mistake if we shrink the stock role of `Umar. Later conquests did not result automatically from the inspiration provided by Muhammad. The expansion might be able to happen, but it is not going up to that size if only without the brilliant leadership of `Umar.
It would be a surprise - for Westerners who are not so familiar with `Umar - read the placement of people is higher than the famous people like Charlemagne or Julius Caesar in order this book list. You see, the conquest by the Arabs under the leadership of `Umar wider areas and longer lasting and more meaningful than what was done by Charlemagne or Julius Caesar .

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