1460-1524 Vasco da Gama
The Portuguese have long to find this path since the Prince Henry the Navigator (1394-1460). Year 1488 a Portuguese expedition under the command of Bartholomew Dias had reached and around the Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip of Africa and back to the Portuguese. With this success, King Portuguese suck in the long effort to find the shortest distance to India is now almost close to reality. However, there are various delays, and only in 1497 an expedition to India is really implemented. To lead the expedition that the king appointed Vasco da Gama, a nobleman of the lower classes who were born around 1460 in the town of Sines, Portugal.
Da Gama anchored unloading July 8, 1497, consisted of four ships under his command with a number of sailors all 170 people including Arabic translators. The first expedition set sail for Cape Verde archipelago. Then, instead of searching the coast of Africa as he was done by Dias, da Gama sailed to the south, far beyond the Atlantic Ocean. He sailed far to the south, and then turning to the east reach the Cape of Good Hope. This is an apt choice, faster than along the coast to the south, although these actions require more courage and shrewdness navigation. Due to the chosen route, the ships are not visible from the mainland Gama for not less than ninety-three days - two and a half times longer than that experienced by the ship Columbus!
Da Gama round the Cape of Good Hope on 22 November, then sailed north to scour the coast of east Africa. In a voyage to the north that he is anchored in various Muslim-controlled city, including Mambasa and Malindi which is now called Kenya. In Malindi he took an Indian guide who led her nation during the 23 days across the Arabian Sea to India. Date May 20, 1498, approximately 10 months after the departure of the Portuguese da Gama arrived at Calicut, the city's most important trading center in southern India. Hindu ruler of Calicut, Zamorin, initially welcomed the arrival of da Gama. But, then Zamorin feel disappointed because the prize offered tributes da Gama's too cheap. In connection with the atrocities Muslim merchants who controlled the trade route in the Indian Ocean, this becomes an obstacle for da Gama went on trade transactions with Zamorin. Nevertheless, when da Gama left Calicut in August, da Gama was given the charge are varieties of spices to be submitted to the government in Portuguese, as well as a number of Indians.
The trip home was more difficult than to leave. Eating a period of about 3 months across the Arabian Sea and many crew members who died of blood diseases due mostly eat meat, but the lack of fruit and plants. Finally, only two ships survived to at home: the first ship docked in Portuguese dated July 10, 1499 and da Gama himself a new boat until 2 months later. Only 55 of his men to survive, meaning less than a third when he left to start the odyssey. However, when da Gama returned to Lisbon on 9 September 1499, both he and King understood very well that the two-year journey that was a huge success.
Six months later, the King of Portugal continued to send another expedition under the command of Pedro Alvares Cabral. Cabral arrived in good time in India, found the route a trip to Brazil (although the historikus believe that there are already other Portuguese people who found it first), and returned to the Portuguese brought piles of spices. However, some of Cabral's men were killed in 1502 Calicut so that da Gama was sent back there to do the punishment of retaliation, brought a fleet of 20 ships.
Da Gama's behavior in this expedition truly malignant. Outside the coastal waters of India he seized an Arab ship that was passing through and after the move cargo but no passengers, he burned the ship was at sea. All passengers are on board, including women and children, perished. When he arrived at Calicut da Gama with a supercilious ask for Zamorin mengahalau all Muslims from the port. When Zamorin hesitated, da Gama was caught and killed him, and set aside 37 Indian sailors were then dibomnya port. But the wrath of helpless people Zamorin da Gama granted the request. On the way home da Gama founded several Portuguese colonies in East Africa.
For this work he received a big gift from the King of Portugal, was given the title of nobility, given the plantations, given the public pension and miscellaneous cash prizes. Da Gama did not return to India until 1524 when the new King of Portugal lifted so young King of India. A few months after arriving in India he became ill and died there in December 1524. He was finally buried back in Lisbon. Da Gama was married and had seven children.
The main significance of Vasco da Gama's journey is because he opened a direct sea route between Europe and India and the Far East, the usefulness can also tasted by many countries.
In the short term, the biggest utility known just fell in Portuguese. Through a new trade route to the East, this country was destitute on the outskirts of civilized Europe torn suddenly become the richest country in Europe. Portuguese quickly established colonies around the Indian Ocean colony of Indonesia. They had the fortresses and outposts soldier in India, Indonesia, Madagascar, on the east coast of Africa and in many places anymore. This of course is a mere addition of the areas they already control, such as Brazil and other colonized areas in western Africa who have their wake up even before Vasco Da Gama's journey. The Portuguese managed to maintain this colony areas until the mid-20th century.
Opening of new trade route to India by Vasco da Gama brought tremendous setback due for Muslim merchants who had controlled the trade routes in the Indonesian Ocean. Muslim traders soon completely defeated and replaced by a Portuguese place. Furthermore, overland trade route between India to Europe became useless because of the sea lane through which Africa was pioneered by the Portuguese is much cheaper. This is a bitter blow for both the Ottoman Turks as well as Italian trade cities (like Venice) that had mastered the trade to the East. But for other Europeans this means the goods from the Far East worth less expensive than the original.
Finally, the greatest influence of Vasco da Gama's journey is not towards Europe or the Middle East, but more against India and Southeast Asia. Before 1498, India remote from Europe. Indeed, throughout the history of India is one country stands alone, unless there are outside influences that come from the northwest. Vasco da Gama's journey to break this isolation and presenting a direct relationship with the culture of Europe via the sea. Europe's influence and power grew more steadily and more strongly in India, until the mid-19th century all over the subcontinent fell under the authority of the British royal crown. (Please note, this is the only time in history that India was united under one ruler). As for Indonesia, was originally just got the European influence, then completely fell under European rule. Only after the mid-20th century these areas to obtain autonomy.
People who clearly can be equated with Vasco da Gama was Christopher Columbus. In some ways, this comparison gives advantages to the Vasco da Gama. His trip, for example, brings far more impressive results. And far longer than either Columbus trip distance and duration is measured from. More than three-fold! And require more navigation shrewdness. (Columbus, no matter how much he lost his direction, at most, he did not discover the New World, while Vasco da Gama will lose the Cape of Good Hope and disappeared somewhere in the Indonesian Ocean.) Furthermore, unlike Columbus, Vasco da Gama made it to the planned destination.
Certainly debatable, Vasco da Gama did not find the New World, but it just makes the relationship between the people of Europe with the countries that are already populated. If so, what's the difference with Columbus.
Travel Columbus finally have a tremendous influence on the culture that has not flourished in the New World; da Gama's journey eventually produce cultural change India and Indonesia. In terms of assessing the significance between Columbus and Vasco da Gama, one thing to remember, though South America and North America is much bigger than India, but India has a population of more than all the residents of the New World combined into one!
However, clearly more influential Columbus extensive than Vasco da Gama. First, the voyage around Africa to India is not of the desire Vasco da Gama himself. Portugislah king who decided to send the expedition was long before Vasco da Gama he chose to lead it. While the expedition came from the encouragement Columbus Columbus himself, and thanks to approach and how to take care so that Queen Isabella willing to support it with financial. If it were not for Columbus, New World (although sooner or later will find those as well) would just step on people who knows how many years later, and possibly by other European citizens. In addition, if the Vasco da Gama no diberanakkan by her mother into this world, the king of Portugal just select another person to lead the expedition. Even if the Vasco da Gama incompetent and failed, the Portuguese will not stop his intention looking for direct route to India when he saw the possibility of it not far away. And, if the Portuguese did not establish bases along the west coast of Africa, very little possibility of other European nations was first able to set foot in India.
Secondly, the European influence on India and the Far East is not comparable with European influences on New World. Fast-changing Indian culture after any contact with the West. But, within several decades after the voyage of Columbus, New World cultures even arguably moulder. Also there is no equation between India with the establishment of the United States in the New World.
Just as people are unable to give a compliment (or curse) to Christopher Columbus for all the events that occurred in the New World, as well as people can not appreciate the Vasco da Gama with all the results of any contacts between Europe and the East. Vasco da Gama was made one of the chain just because many more people who can be recognized as pioneers: Henry the Navigator, a Portuguese sailor who explored the west coast of Africa; Bartholomew Dias, Vasco da Gama himself; the replacement thereafter (such as Francisco de Almeida and Alfonso d'Albuquerque), and much more. I think, Vasco da Gama was a mere chain of the most important. However, he was not the one who so have an important role as does Christopher Columbus in the New World Europeanization. On the basis of important principles that Vasco da Gama set out in this book list is far below Columbus.
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