Selasa, 14 Juni 2011



The head midwife was passed from the mother's womb in 1452 near the town of Florence, Italy. And his head is inserted into the grave in 1519. He was Leonardo and Vinci. Century after century Guram not make his reputation as perhaps the most brilliant genius who ever lived on planet earth. If only there were a list of "famous people" Leonardo da Vinci is certainly listed the number one among fifty other figures. However, his talent and his reputation seems to be exaggerated if measured from its influence on history.
In his notebook, Leonardo left the sketch of many modern inventions, such problems airplanes and submarines. Because the note was merely to prove kebrilianan and originality, is no influence on the development of science. First of all, Leonardo is not making models of inventions that. Second, although most brilliant ideas, did not show that those ideas can be implemented. Put the ideas about airplanes and submarines that: Much more difficult to model for the manufacture of concrete. Great inventor whose name is not just those who have brilliant ideas but failed to make it happen, but the so-called great inventors are people like Thomas Edison, James Watt or the Wright brothers who have talent and perseverance mechanic working on details and overcome the difficulties of making to really work. Leonardo did not do things like this.
Furthermore, although the sketch-sketch also contains details required for his invention can be tangible, yet still there are also different, because the findings were just buried in records and newly published books for centuries after Leonardo's own death. At the time of his notes issued (which happened to the text written on the glass), the ideas embodied in the invention has been found also by others independently. We conclude, as a scientist and inventor, Leonardo had no significant effect.
Leonardo Inclusion in this list because it is caused mainly on artistic works. Leonardo was an artist of high class, though not as famous as Rembrandt, Raphael, Van Gogh or El Greco. Measured from the consequences thereof in terms of subsequent developments in art, its influence is much smaller than Picasso or Michelangelo.
Leonardo had an unfortunate habit. He started something with the ambition of the project which was ablaze, but were never completed properly. Say she's "hot-hot chicken shit." As a result, the paintings are completed far fewer in number than the works of painters mentioned above. Because too often he moved from one unfinished painting to another painting, Leonardo managed to divide the important part of his outstanding talent. Although it may seem awkward, Leonardo considers a less so incompetent when he was the creator of the Mona Lisa, but this has become a common conclusion made by those experts who investigate Leonardo's career.
Maybe Leonardo da Vinci the most talented person who ever lived, but the preservation of his work is relatively small. And although he was a famous architect, it seems he's never building truly awakened. And none pahatnya sculptures that can still be found today. Peningggalan the beautiful talent consists of a number of sketches, some stunning paintings (less than twenty-five of which still lives), and a set of records that can make the people of the 20th century stunned upon his genius, but little or even no there is absolutely impact on science or any field of invention. But, no matter how exorbitant her talent, she is not quite a hundred and influential figures who ever lived on our earth is round.

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